May 1st

May 1st

Read: Luke 24:13-32; Micah 6:8; John 1:35-39

          “Come, walk with me,” my Grandma used to say to my sister and me as she started to the woods to enjoy the May flowers. “Come, walk with me,” said my dear daughter-in-law as she loaded my grandchildren into a red wagon on sunny days. “Come, walk with me,” says my friend, my Christian sister next door, as she slips a scarf over her hair and picks up her walking stick. In each case I have learned something of creation and fellowship when I responded to the invitation.
“Come, walk with me,” says my Lord Jesus Christ, and each time I accept His invitation I learn of Him who is the Creator, who is my very life, and with whom fellowship is the sweetest yet.

Come, walk with me
And you will see
the wonders that I know;
a moss-grown tree,
the surging sea,
the morning star a-glow,
a pebbled brook,
a spider’s nook,
a chipmunk’s rock-strewn wall,
an ebon rook,
an overlook
upon a mountain tall,
the bloodroot’s bloom,
a gladed room
with lady-slipper’s shoes,
a cascade’s flume,
the sorghum’s broom,
and dawning’s soft-spun hues.

O, come and hear
a robin’s cheer,
the chatter of a squirrel,
a summons, clear upon the ear,
in Wild-Wind’s keening skirl,
a mournful loon
beneath the moon,
the whir of feathered wings,
a sparrow’s tune
sung sweet in June,
a cataract that sings.
Yes, you can know
and I can know
the wonders of God’s hand;
how seedlings grow,
how rivers flow,
how all is as He’s planned.

Prayer: Dear Lord, come, walk with me.

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