July 14th

July 14th

Read: Mark 10:13-16; Luke 22:51; Matthew 8:15

The sense of touch is often a confusing thing. Depending upon outside influences, it may be very pleasant or, sometimes, unpleasant. One person’s hand reaching towards me might be frightening. Another’s might fill me with a sense of loving concern. Babies enjoy touching and being touched. Pets generally do too. We had a cat which enjoyed reaching his paw out just to touch one of us as he lay down to rest! Holding hands and hugging, a slap on the back, or a hand on the shoulder express love and appreciation for the other person’s very being. These expressions are generally very satisfying to both parties. Even a handshake acknowledges some sort of empathy or expectancy.

I am glad that Jesus’ hands were gentle healing ones. I hope mine are. Are yours?

There is comfort in a touch
At times when we must bear so much.
It eases sorrow in a loss,
Sustains us as we bear our cross.

A touch can kindle sweet delight
Or shorten even longest night.
A touch can oft display one’s heart
When feelings cannot word impart.

A touch says someone wants to share
The burden of our lonely care.
When heart is caught in fear’s dread clutch,
Strength comes anew with love’s sweet touch.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray that the touch of my hands and of my life might always express Your love and care.

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