January 24th

January 24th

Read: Psalm 139:9-12; Genesis 1:3-5; Psalm 127:2; Prov. 3:24; Psalm 4:7-8

Night is a shade drawn on yesterday’s irritations and frustrations, an eraser of the harsh thoughts and words born of uncertainty and fatigue, for with night comes a time of rest for those whose daily pilgrimage takes them nearer to God’s eternal rest. When dawn lifts the shade so that man might see morning, the resurrection of day, the renewal of hope, and the revival of faith flood into refreshed spirits just as sunlight streams into a window. Thank you, God, for night.


Rustle, rustle through the trees
Goes the lightly stirring breeze.
Chirping, chirping in the nest,
Bird-babes settle down to rest.
Night has come with peace.

Bubble, bubble down the hill,
Hear the gently-flowing rill
Tumbling, tumbling through the glen
Meeting placid pond and then
Being very still.

Softly, softly night things creep-
Owl hoots low and tree toads peep.
Gently, gently night winds sigh,
Whispering a lullaby.
Time has come for sleep.

Prayer: Dear God, help me to appreciate my hours of rest and relaxation as the restorative which they are.

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