January 25th

January 25th

Read: Isaiah 55:12-13; 56:6-7; and Isaiah 60:19

When I was a child my grandmother spoke to me of the second coming Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He will come in glory to reign with His saints. She told me way back then (I’m nearly 70!) that perhaps I would live to see the rapture of the church. What a lively hope to plant in the heart of a child! Do you have such a hope in yours?


When all creation greets the Lord
‘Twill be a wondrous sight.
He’s coming back to rule the world
In glory, power, and might!
The hills will shout in greeting then
And burst forth into song,
While all the seas with mighty roar
Will join to sing along.
Each place His feet fall there will spring
Sweet flowers of the field;
The trees will dance and clap their hands,
As nations bow and yield.
Green trees will grow where once sprang thorns;
Abundance all will know,
And all will drink at that pure source
Whence living waters flow.
The King’s own radiant light will shine.
There’ll be no need of sun,
And moon’s patrol of night shall cease,
Her glory all undone.
All those who claim His promises
Shall find His holy hill
And there, within His house of prayer,
Shall seek His holy will.
Sweet songs of praise shall fill the air
As love flows through each soul,
And contrite hearts will humbly bow
To Him who made them whole.
His peace will free creation from
The power of sin’s dread thrall,
And joy will spring in every heart
Which hails Him–Lord of All!

Prayer: Dear Lord, keep me looking for Your return and keep me working for You while I wait.

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