June 30th

June 30th

Read: Psalm 138:1-8; 1 Pet. 2:1-5

I remember complaining of my legs aching when I was in my early teens. My grandmother paid little heed to my complaints. She would just comment, “Growing pains.” Our pastor’s daughter is going through that stage right now. Kids still get growing pains.

So do Christians. They are usually the sign that you are growing, that God is introducing experiences into your life to force growth. Often these experiences are painful ones. If they were not, God would not get our attention so easily. It helps, when you are going through tough times to tell yourself, “Growing pains.”

When today is filled with troubles
And anguish comes with pain,
Remember God’s close presence
Will see you through again.

His hand brings peace and comfort
And healing in a touch.
His love will ne’er forsake you
Nor let you bear too much.

Each trouble-filled experience
Brings wisdom, and you grow
In faith to find new patience
And courage as you go.

Face each new trial and sorrow
With courage, not dismay.
The perfection of tomorrow
Demands growing pains today.

Prayer: Dear Father, I appreciate Your continued work in me to force growth. Help me to be uncomplaining about the lessons.

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