December 31st

December 31st

Read: Matt. 8:1-4; and Matt. 9:2-8; John 14:7-14; Hebrews 8:13

I hope that you still believe in miracles. So many do not these days. The age of miracles is not over by any means. God is still God. His power has not diminished at all. He still uses it to help the human condition, often in quiet ways.

Quiet miracles happened today!
Somewhere a heavy heart started to pray.
Somewhere a green tree burst from a stone.
Somewhere a lonely heart’s no more alone.

Somewhere a fearful soul did a brave thing.
Somewhere a grieving one started to sing.
Somewhere discouragement looked to the skies.
Somewhere a wonderwork opened blind eyes.

Somewhere a smiling face turned away wrath.
Somewhere an erring foot found the right path.
Somewhere a grasping man offered a hand.
Somewhere a trusting soul did as God planned!

Somewhere a neighbor tore down a fence.
Somewhere the strong came to frailty’s defence.
Somewhere an angel brushed danger away.
Somewhere God’s truth pierced the dark with its ray.

Somewhere a mask fell away from a face.
Somewhere a king gave a servant first place!
Somewhere God’s providence covered a loss.
Somewhere a sinner came to the cross.

Somewhere a wintry heart found its new spring.
Somewhere a tired one soared up a-wing.
Somewhere a rosy cloud chased out the gray.
Yes, quiet miracles happened today!

Prayer: Dear God, as the new year approaches I want to be able to notice Your miracles as they occur. Please help me.

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