December 30th

December 30th

Read: Matthew 6:25-34

All is not right
When my heart leaps about the sky
Gladly embracing rainbows,
While yours, Love, ever plods
Along the ruts of life,
Minding earthly things so much,
Things to amass, to hold, to touch,
Rebelling in your strife,
Acknowledging great odds,
Yet following your furrows,
Never letting go to fly.
All is not right.

All is not right
When I say to you, “Behold,
A sunset paints the clouds,”
And you, Love, then reply,
“Things are slacking off.
The telephone was dead today.
It’s generally not like this in May.”
I do not want to scoff,
But money cannot buy
A sunset in the clouds
Or mornings spun with gold.
All is not right.

All is not right.
Oh, how can I help to restore
The light heart you once showed me
When we, Love, both were young
And songs for us were gay?
How can I help you to let go?
How can I help you again to know
That life is for today,
That songs must now be sung,
That sunsets have transient beauty,
That moments have no grand encore?
Let’s make it right.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me not to follow after the things of this world. I don’t want to get stuck in any furrows.

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