May 31st

May 31st

Read: Gal. 6:2-9; Prov. 11:24-25; Luke 6:38; 1 John 3:16-24

When we think of giving, we most naturally think of money or something which money can buy. Blessedly, we are not limited to such giving, even though Scripture admonishes us to do just that and to do it cheerfully. Jesus gave more than worldly goods, things like love, mercy, compassion, and finally, His very life. Are we willing to give of ourselves as He did? Our time? Our energy? Our love and the other things which were so willingly given by Him? Are we willing to go out of our way, that second mile, to give? Are we willing to share another’s burden when we have burdens of our own? Calvary love demands my willingness in these areas. Yours too.

Consistent giving is the key,
Even in adversity;
To give what we cannot afford
Is truly waiting on the Lord.

When we another’s burden share,
‘Tis truly then our cross we bear,
And giving self becomes the gift
That will, through Christ, our burden lift.

If we His servants true would be
We must deny that mortal “me”
He’ll in His book duly record
And in due season will reward.

Prayer: Dear God, as Jesus gave, so let me give that others may know You as I do.

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