July 31st

July 31st

Read: 1 Peter 5:7 and James 5:11

Sometimes the little unexpected events of life leave impacts which are life-changing. Daughter Jane and I were traveling home after a work day through a wooded area, when we noted movement along the roadside ahead of us. As we drew near Jane exclaimed, “Mother, its a mother duck and her babies!” I slowed the car to watch. Sure enough! A lovely woodduck was waddling along with several adorable ducklings, one of which was trying desperately to reach the wee parade after having lagged behind. The mother was acting as if she wanted to cross the road, so I stopped completely. When I did she marched her babies across in front of me, never looking behind to see how her babes were faring. They were expected to make it. They all managed to cross before any other traffic arrived, for which we both sighed our relief.

What was the impact? God showed me that a mother can do only so much in rearing her children. Mother Woodduck could not forsake her brood to worry about catching the lagger. He had to keep up or become lost. Neither could she carry all those little ones over the highway. That is why I gave my children back to God early in their lives. I did what He instructed me to do for them, but I must trust the result to His tender care. If there is one who loses sight of God, as that lagger could have lost sight of Mother Woodduck, I must commend that one into God’s hands, praying always for His love to prevail in that life … and then trust Him.

Suddenly, suddenly,
Beauty I see.
Scales fall away
When You show life to me.

Beautiful, beautiful,
There on the street,
Family of woodducks
We chance to meet.

Steadily, steadily,
Their wee parade
Travels Life’s highway
All unafraid.

Suddenly, suddenly,
Your presence there
Brings me fresh insight
To Your tender care.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank You that Your tender care avails for all whom I love. Help me to trust You for all things with each one.

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