March 7th

March 7th

Read: Gen. 50:19-20; James 1:12; Zech. 13:8-9; 1 Pet. 1:3-91 Cor. 3:12-15

Joseph knew the fires of tempering in his life. Because he yielded rather than kicking against the goads as Paul did (Acts 9:5), his life was used fully by God. Not once did he try to go his own way or act upon his own understanding. Each event in his life, no matter how unpleasant it seemed, became an occasion to trust God and be obedient to Him.

The times of tempering are useful in more than one way. Often they show us just how weak in faith we really are and encourage us to draw nigh unto God. God uses tempering as a teaching tool. We are purified by the fires and made stronger in our walk with Christ.

It is difficult to stay in the fire until the tempering is complete. Those of little faith may be tempted to flee, but God’s good is then deferred and His glory is not manifested in our flight to paths of ease. How yielded am I? How yielded are you?

For my own good this comes to pass,
Though evil seems to be,
And I am tempered as is brass,
While God is testing me;
And when the tempering is done,
When trials have been withstood,
When I perceive the course I’ve run,
Then will I see God’s good.

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for Your tempering. Help me to yield fully to You in every circumstance which You allow in my life.

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