August 8th

August 8th

Read: John 1:35-51

Not too long ago we were invited to our grandchildren’s school for a Parent’s Night Festival. The four youngsters ranged from about seven years of age to thirteen. As we all walked through the halls, one or the other would tug on our hands and say, “Grandma, come and see my self-portrait,” or, “Grandpa, come and see my art work and my teacher.” They wanted to share themselves and what they were doing with someone dear to them. It is amazing what can be learned by responding to such an invitation.

When Jesus says, “Come and see,” we can be certain that He wants to share Himself with those He loves too. His invitation is faithfully given. How have you responded to it?

The first disciples came and said,
“Where is it that You lay Your head?
We would like to follow Thee.”
Jesus answered, “Come and see.”

Fishermen their nets forsook
To follow, and a path they took
That led away from Galilee
When Jesus told them, “Come and see.”

Through the ages lost to sight,
He was faithful to invite.
He daily gave His mercy plea,
Telling all men, “Come and see.”

Jesus lives and calls today.
Listen and you’ll hear Him say
As He did beside the sea,
“Come and follow. Come and see.”

To new life He doth entreat,
To companionship so sweet,
To salvation full and free,
When He whispers, “Come and see.”

Prayer: Dear Lord, let me hear Your precious words, “Come and see.” Then help me to respond in joy and love.

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